
A weekend of Reiki Stories

from Marta Getty’s Living Library


Saturday 18 till Sunday November 19th, 2017
The Hague, the Netherlands

I invite you to join this ‘storytelling circle’ create by Reiki Master and storyteller Marta Getty
and to prepare yourself for a wondrous weekend of sharing stories that flow from her remarkable memory.

Marta has lived Reiki since 1980, from North America to Europe and Australia. The authentic tales that Marta weaves bring you into her life so artfully that you will feel like you were there beside her. It will be an intimate weekend of telling and sharing stories, and of course we share Reiki.
Marta:…... ‘Storytelling is an important part of the practice of students and masters. There are so many questions and so few answers at times. In this weekend I will listen also to your Reiki story and share about the value of your Reiki story, for yourself and the world around us’.

Times: 10am till around 18pm
Costs: 250 euro, bring your own lunch, we take care for coffee, tea and soup
Organizer: Rebecca Bredenhof, +31 7 3677 964 /+31 6 12181950

Registration: send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and pay the amount to:
NL 71 INGB 0004 2610 19 att. Reikicentrum ZIJN, The Hague. Subject ‘Marta-Nov2017’. Add your name when the name of the bank account is not your own.

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