
History and Practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho

A weekend with Joyce Winough, about History and Practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho

Students of all forms of practice and all levels of initiation are welcome.

Joyce Winough

Day 1 - Saturday, March 10, 2018

Hawayo Takata: How Reiki changed her life and our lives!

Joyce Winough, a member of the Archive Team and Reiki Master who lived in Hawaii for many years, will bring a gift of a power point presentation of Hawayo Takata’s life in Hawaii, her journey to Japan, and the decades of her Reiki Journey that is seen through the letters, photos, certificates, and other important documents that the Archive contains. Participants of this seminar will be able to discuss, ask questions, and experience the amazing life of Takata Sensei as Joyce carries the local understanding of Hawaii and its unique influence on
our Reiki practice. 

Background day 1 (click here)

Then next day, we will continue our exploration of Takata’s legacy by exploring how we can hold
the teachings she received in Japan to the evolution of our present day practice.

Day 2 - Sunday, March 11, 2018

The 4 Aspects and 9 Elements of Usui Shiki Ryoho.

This is an experience of how the Aspects and Elements work together to form a spiritual practice that expands our understanding of ‘What it is to be a human being’. Joyce is an
initiated master of Phyllis Furumoto since 2002 and has been consciously living these Aspect and Elements. This awareness of the system has brought Joyce to a deeper place in her
personal Reiki practice and she is excited to share her experiences with you. 

Background day 2 (click here)

Practical information:
Times both days: 10am till 18pm
Costs for both days: 325 euro, bring your own lunch, we take care for coffee, tea and soup.
Costs for one day: 175 euro, the same
Organizer: Rebecca Bredenhof, +31 7 3677 964 /+31 6 12181950
Registration: send an email with your name, address, phone number, email address to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and
pay the amount to: NL 71 INGB 0004 2610 19 * (BICnr: INGBNL2A) att. Reikicentrum ZIJN, The Hague. Subject ‘JWinough weekend (or day one or day two)’. Add your name when the name of the bank account is not your own