
An Evening of Takata Stories (eng)

Friday 19th May 2017
An Evening of Takata Stories
with Rick Bockner

Canadian Rick Bockner was the last Reiki Master initiated by Hawayo Takata in 1980. He resides in British Columbia and during a tour in the spring of 2017 through Europe he will visit Reikicentrum Zijn. This evening  Rick will tell some of his personal experiences from his time with Mrs. Takata. She was the pivotal person who introduced Reiki to the world outside of Japan, and with her journey began our journey in Reiki.

Rick is a pure-bred storyteller and he can give you a sense of who Mrs. Takata was as a teacher, what she considered essential in Reiki, and about her life's work. There will be a discussion and questions to follow.  

This event is open to all students of Reiki at any level.

Time: 20.00 - 22.30
Investment: 25 euro
Registration: send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and pay the amount to:
NL 71 INGB 0004 2610 19 att. Reikicentrum ZIJN, The Hague. Subject ‘Takata evening may17’. Please add your name if the name of your bank account is not your own.